This past week a friend was sharing something with me that she is going through. As she was speaking, I could so clearly see her words reflected back at me. At my life. Situations I have been in.
There's been so many times in my past - distant and near - when I have felt uncertain about the future. Worried. Afraid.
When I have felt that God is not with me. That He has abandoned me. That His favour is not over my life. Feeling so far removed from an intimate relationship with my Maker.
That is a dark place to be. Hopeless.
I have learned that - with God - there is no such thing as coincidence. Only confirmation...
So the next morning I came across this scripture in Hosea that so beautifully describes these feelings of loss and insecurity (with the context once again being Israel forsaking their God):
The Lord says that if we return to Him, He will heal us and bandage our wounds. He will restore us "in just a short time". So that we may live in His presence and know Him. The scripture urges you to press on and know Him. Promising that He will respond. Like the arrival of dawn. Like the rain in early spring. Without any doubt! (Hosea 6:1-3)
"...for I am God and not a mere mortal. I am the Holy One living among you..." (Hosea 11:9 NLT)
But this is where we are mistaken: It grounds us. It restores us. We need it. Like we need air to breath.
Without it we can only feel lost. Uncertain. Scared.
God says that we have to follow His instructions. That we have to live our lives by His Word. That we have to study it. Meditate on it. Obey it. Then He will guide us and straighten our paths. Then we will prosper and succeed. (Joshua 1:8)
So if we forsake His Word. His instructions. Him. How can we hope to know which path to follow? To know the right way?
So now, come back to your God... and always depend on Him. (Hosea 12:6 NLT)
The Lord says: His love for us knows no bounds. That He will be to us like a refreshing dew from heaven. And we will blossom like the lily. It will send roots deep into the soil (of our hearts), with its branches spread out like beautiful olive trees. And we will again live under His shade and flourish. (Hosea 14:4-7)
God says: “I am the one who answers your prayers and cares for you. I am like a tree that is always green; all your fruit comes from Me.” (Hosea 14:8 NLT)
I love this scripture. It is so descriptive. So full of promise...
Promises of His unlimited, undeserved love for us. Of refreshment and restoration. Promises that we will blossom and flourish - beautiful in our full potential, in Him. Knowing that all our fruit (all good things) come from Him. Assurance. That He hears us. He answers our prayers. He cares for us. Promising that His love will be rooted deep into our hearts. Anchoring us. Providing us with His protection and favour over our lives.
All that He asks in return, is that we return to Him. That we depend on Him.
Then, Psalm 138:8 promises: The Lord will work out His plans for my life because His faithful love endures forever.