about me

My name is Marti-Mari and for now, this is my family. That is me and my amazing husband, Waldo back there and we have two border collies, Luka (in the front) and Jasper (behind). Right now, they are my world and I cannot imagine life without them. We live in Wellington, South Africa on the farm where my husband is the viticulturist and farm manager.

I have done various things with my life so far. I have spent a lot of time studying - Consumer Science, Marketing and Architecture (no, not at the same time). I have worked at a small advertising agency, at a kitchen design showroom and at four different architects firms in Cape Town and London, UK.

At the moment I have an interior and architectural design business and am a partner in a company that sells active wear, imported from Canada.

I guess I am still figuring it out.

I am passionate about cooking and good food, reading and great books, travel and places I haven't yet been, photography and beautiful design.

I am currently in a place in my life where I want to grow closer to God and figure out what He has for my life. I want to walk in it. I want to know and learn more. I want to trust and hope more, to fully believe in His promises for me.

I want to embrace His grace.

I am hoping that in and through these pages, He will reveal a little more of Himself to me, so that I can become just a little more like Christ.