A while ago I wrote a post about Jasper, one of our two border collies. Ever since, I have had the knowledge in the back of my mind that I had to write something about the other one, Luka too. After all, I can't write about the one and not the other...
But what to write...
Then the other day, I came across a verse in Psalm 36. I wrote about the rest of this passage (verse 5-9) in another post, in the shadow of Your wings. But this little verse somehow did not seem to fit. At odds with the rest of the passage. Standing out. It stuck:
"You care for animals and people alike, O Lord."
Alike. That says something about the importance of animals to God. They are of the same value to Him that we are. God created us in His image. And He gave us authority over animals. To care for them. (Genesis 1:27-28)
This verse made me think of Luka. At 12 years old, she is not the lively little pup she used to be (sadly, I never got to meet that little pup - although she may just have been a bit much for me to handle, by the sound of it). But she certainly is not letting age get to her!
One handicap that she does have is arthritis. Her back legs and hips are the worst affected. It is heart breaking to see the once extremely active dog struggle to get up after laying down for a while, when it's cold. Snap when you accidentally touch a sensitive spot. Not able to do the things she used to.
All because an insensitive, careless human being threw her with half a brick. For barking. The most natural response for any dog. I don't know how anyone can be so cruel, so heartless.
Ironic to see that man now walking with a limp of his own...
God cares for animals and people alike.
Luka has an unique quirky personality of her very own. If you don't know her, she may seem the most people (and camera) shy dog you have ever come across. She has quite literally hidden behind my skirts, like a shy child.
Not a many-people dog, Luka. She has her select few. But for those of us in her inner circle, she will move heaven and earth. If you are one of the chosen, her personality is larger-than-life. Loving, funny, adorable. With loads of energy (mostly too much for me). A way of letting her enthusiasm rub off. She has the most animated facial expressions. Being extremely vocal at times - straining with effort, if only she can make us understand.
Although she really is Waldo's dog (in the sense that Jasper is mine), she has grown rather attached to me. Her doggy bed, to where she often retreats as soon as darkness falls, is next to my side of the bed. Having grown accustomed to me being the first in bed, she invariably pops her head into the living room, beckoning. Willing me to join her in sleep.
Habitually Luka is the first to wake. If there is even the slightest stirrings of life, she grabs hold of the opportunity. The day has begun! But as soon as she has done her rounds outside, she is back next to me - patiently waiting as I do my morning Bible study - so that we can finally go for that walk!
This dog also knows how to manipulate. If I don't take her for her most-important-event-of-the-day, her walk, regularly (read daily), she strikes. She refuses to eat! Which she has come into the morning routine of doing while I am in the room (not looking!) - be it in the shower or dressing for the day. She most certainly knows how to make me feel bad when she doesn't get what she wants.
Luka is the independent one. As much as she loves our company - she certainly does not stand down when a good pet, love or attention is at stake - she is a loner at heart. Frequently disappearing off to her little corner. Her safe spot. She always has one.
She doesn't let life get to her. Her past. Her hurts. Her age. She makes the most of every situation. Every opportunity.
She doesn't let life get to her. Her past. Her hurts. Her age. She makes the most of every situation. Every opportunity.
You're blessed when you stay on course, walking steadily on the road revealed by God. You're blessed when you follow his directions, doing your best to find him. That's right—you don't go off on your own; you walk straight along the road he set. You, God, prescribed the right way to live; now you expect us to live it. Oh, that my steps might be steady, keeping to the course you set; Then I'd never have any regrets in comparing my life with your counsel. I thank you for speaking straight from your heart; I learn the pattern of your righteous ways. I'm going to do what you tell me to do; don't ever walk off and leave me. (Psalm 119:1-8 MSG)