I have often wondered what it would be like if we could be more like our dogs when it comes to our faith.
I know everyone out there are not dog people. To be honest, I don't get it. Yes, I know that they are a big responsibility. They bark, they are messy, they don't clean up after themselves. And don't even mention the hair!
But I love dogs. Two in particular. They are drawn to me - all shapes and sizes and breeds. I think they sense how much I adore them. For years I have had this deep longing to have one (or two) of my own. I just knew that it would change my life.
When I met my husband Waldo, I didn't think that he was my type, at first... Little did I know. But he had these two adorable border collies. They stole my heart before he did. Jasper was mine from the start - he is easy like that. Luka made me work for it - but now I am one of her select few. God knew my heart.
These dogs and I adopted each other. Absolutely.
We go for long walks on the farm (or at the beach or wherever we are), the three of us. That is our thing.
It is also my quiet time in the morning. Outside in God's creation. My time to talk to Him and work things out in my head, before the busyness of the day takes over. I need it just as much as they do.
Now, Waldo did not believe in walking dogs on a leash. They are border collies, they should be able to run free. And they live on a farm. The problem is that this farm has home owners and cars and other dogs and people running and walking and cycling. And they have to be on a leash.
More often than not, I get comments like who is walking who? and it looks like they are taking you for a walk! They are strong willed, these dogs of ours. And they love their walks.
But I find that they walk best if we have a routine. Walk the same route every day, early before anyone else is out and there are not too many smells to distract them. But sometimes it doesn't work like that and they get all excited and start dragging me along. Then I have to pull them back or make them stop so that they can calm down first, before we can continue walking.
I think God has to do that to us sometimes - pull us back or make us stop, before we get distracted or go off in the wrong direction.
The thing about dogs is that they love us no matter what. No strings attached. Absolutely. Unconditionally.
No human can love you like that.
They will never let you down. Never get tired of you or stop loving you or change their minds about you. They are always happy to see you. No matter how long or hard the day was, they manage to put a smile on your face every time. And they know when you are having a bad day or feeling down or sick. You can always rely on their love.
They are also 100% dependent on you - for food, water, shelter, exercise, love and affection. And if you are doing your job, they won't think of looking for it anywhere else. When Luka steps in a thorn, she lifts her paw, hobbles on for another couple of steps and then looks up to me to take it out, because that is what I do. She knows that I will take care of her.
Maybe we could learn from that.
Love unconditionally - God and people. Be completely dependent on God. For everything. Because He will take care of us. That is what He does.
Therefore I say to you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or what you will drink; nor about your body, what you will put on... For the heavenly Father knows that you need all these things. But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you. Matthew 6: 25, 32-33 NKJV